A six-month, online programme in a small group to deepen your understanding of the three principles.
There is no limit to the depth to which we can continue to learn about spiritual truth. I have been deepening my understanding for many years, impacting both my own life and the work I do with clients.

This programme is suitable for you if you have already benefited from learning about the three principles and feel that there is more for you to see. It will take you deeply into the spiritual nature of the three principles and gently uncover the deeper dimensions of your own being.

You may be drawn to it as part of your own spiritual journey or inquiry. Or if you are sharing the principles as a facilitator, practitioner, coach or therapist, you may wish to deepen your understanding to further your own client work.

Sometimes it is just a lovely gift to oneself, to spend time with a small group of beautiful souls exploring our true nature.

Something profound often happens when a group of people with shared intention come together. This was certainly our experience in the Deeper Dimension group last year. It was the first online version of this programme which had previously been in-person, and despite being spread out across the globe, we created a beautiful space and feeling to share and explore with one another.

While there will be no pre-determined curriculum or agenda for the programme, the group will be small enough to allow each participant plenty of space to explore topics and questions that arise for them personally.

We will have a shorter introductory session before the start of the main programme to get to know each other and decide what we would most like to explore. All the sessions will be recorded in case someone has to miss a session or part of it, but these will only be available to group members.



The Programme Dates (in UK time zone)

One-hour introductory session at 3pm

10th December 2021

Monthly sessions on Friday afternoons from 3pm to 7pm with a 45 to 60 minute break

January 14th 2022
February 11th 2022
March 18th 2022
April 22th 2022
May 20th 2022
June 24th 2022

(Start times Paris 4pm, Cairo 4pm, New York 11am, San Francisco 7am)





How to Register
If you would like to join the programme or if you have any questions, please email me carol@threeprinciples.co.uk


I look forward to hosting this beautiful exploration,