Join us for a Journey to Wholeness – starts October 20th 2018

For the last five years my friend and colleague Ian Watson and I have co-facilitated an extended training programme in Regent’s Park, London.  The latest iteration of this programme which starts in October is the culmination of what Ian and I have learned both from our work together and our own personal and professional journeys. […]

Signposts to Understanding The Three Principles – starts May 9th 2018

Join me for a new six week online webinar series to kick start or develop your understanding of the Three Principles. I am always listening to the people I aim to serve and this new programme is in response to what some of you have been telling me recently. Lots of people are curious about […]

New Meeting Mind on a Monday Morning Series – now starting 12TH March

UPDATE – NOW STARTING 12TH MARCH – ONE PLACE REMAINING. STILL TIME TO JOIN US The next series of my Monday Morning Mentoring sessions is starting on Monday 12th March If you are a three principles practitioner would like to start the week with a small group of like-minded people for a mentoring session facilitated by […]

Meeting Mind on a Monday Morning

Meeting Mind on Monday Mornings A new mentoring programme for facilitators, coaches and practitioners of the Three Principles How would you like to start the week with a small group of like-minded people for a mentoring session? On 30th  October I am starting a series of 6 weekly online group mentoring sessions for a maximum […]

A Trip to Salt Spring

  Next week I am very excited to be travelling to Salt Spring Island in Canada to attend the Three Principles School founded by Elsie Spittle and Chip Chipman at the request of Sydney Banks. I know that it will deepen  my understanding of the Principles and enrich the work that I do. I hope to post some photos […]